Dog Bites and Children

Dog Bites and Children

Dog bites and children Incidents of dog bites should not need to take place in a family household. Over the years I have been a strong advocate of educating owners on the importance of safety of children around dogs. I can’t emphasise enough the message to dog owners that management is so important. All too often […]

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Dog Bites and Children

Dog Bites and Children

Dog Bites and Children Dog bites and children are unfortunately all too common in the family home. All too often we hear of another child bitten by a family dog. But it’s not the dog that’s always at fault. Unfortunately, so many people are misguided about the importance of managing family pets around young children. […]

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The Dangers of Chicken Necks

The Dangers of Chicken Necks

The dangers of chicken necks I have been warning dog owners for many years now regarding the dangers of chicken necks, however many Breeders and Veterinarians keep advising owners to give them to dogs.  It is not hard for a pup to choke.  Also when swallowed they can damage the dog’s throat as the small vertebrae […]

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Children and Dogs

Children and Dogs

Children and Dogs Here’s what you need to know about children and dogs. Don’t just take it for granted that because your dog is good with your children that he or she will be fine with all children.  Don’t be paranoid, however, exercise caution with dogs around children, particularly those under 8 years. Also be […]

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Dog Training is Simple

Dog Training is Simple

DOG TRAINING IS SIMPLE… “If you get the right advice” Most owners spend the first 6 months of their dog’s life doing all the wrong things. Then they spend the rest of the dog’s life either putting up with or trying to rectify bad behaviour. The truth is it is not the owner’s fault they have […]

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Christmas time and lots of food around

Christmas time and lots of food around

Christmas time and lots of food around It’s Christmas time and lots of food around for your dogs could become an issue when guests are over this holiday season. Be certain to ask your guests not to feed your dog.  Many foods that are fine for humans are not so good for dogs. The last […]

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Heat and Dogs

Heat and Dogs

Heat and Dogs Heat and dogs rarely go well together. Dogs rarely die from cold, but often die from heat exhaustion. Please exercise plenty of care over the summer months, a dog can die locked in a hot car just as quickly as a child can. Also be very cautious on hot pavements, dogs pads […]

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Bees, Wasps and Snake Bites

Bees, Wasps and Snake Bites

Bees and Wasp Bites Watch out for bees and wasp bites, particularly if your dog is bitten around the facial area. If bitten, watch very closely as your dog can have a serious reaction to a bee or wasp bite. Do not leave food and bones around your yard as wasps are attracted to them.  […]

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Holiday Season and Dogs

Holiday Season and Dogs

Holiday Season and Dogs Here’s the thing with the holiday season and dogs. Over the holiday season life can be very confusing for dogs, their whole routine can be thrown out of sync. Different people, different toys, different routine can be very stressful for some dogs. Also after it is all over we are back […]

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Pool Safety and dogs not just for children

Pool Safety and dogs not just for children

Pool Safety and Dogs Pool safety and dogs are an extremely important thing to consider this Summer. Puppies and dogs can drown very quickly.  Most dogs can swim, however if they can’t get out of the pool they can very quickly become exhausted and stressed. It is a good idea to teach your dog where […]

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