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The best investment we could have made

The best investment we could have made

John came to our house in Mornington to train our 8 & 9 year old Staffies  We were convinced that they were beyond help & we would be stuck with dogs that pull on leads, were aggressive towards other dogs, barked at people walking past… the list goes on. Within the time spent with our dogs, John had them walking next to us on the lead (WITHOUT pulling), sitting at each street corner & waiting to be invited onto the street, not being fussed if another dog walked past & NO barking at the fence when people walked past our house. We cannot recommend John highly enough, we were blown away by not only his ability, but also the knowledge & insight that he gave us about how to enjoy our dogs. We can now have breakfast at a cafe with our dogs at our feet, all the while another dog sitting next to us, walk them with no stress & be confident that they aren’t barking whilst we are at work. By far the best investment we could have made. Thanks John!! Tuzz & Rhys 🙂

Training that sticks, choose AUSDOG.

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